Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hi Family,

I wanted to share a recent photo from our trip back East. We went to the wedding of two high school friends, Nate and Lauren. It was fun! Mom danced a lot and was happy to hear them play the Rolling Stones. Mike also danced a lot and even competed against a little kid.

Andrew, Gati, Mike, and I stayed at a B&B on Shelter Island. I wish we could say our rooms were cozy, but unfortunately, we were terrified of bed bugs. I doubt they truly existed, but something was off about the inn. It had potential. I will share more photos of our trip when I get caught up.

Hope everyone is well!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Still not used to it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Our Wonderful Life

Cousins! (my mother likes to cut photos in unusual shapes). How cute is little Jessica?

Similar to Jessica, I have been trying to consolidate my belongings. One project involves scanning my old family photos, which are scattered in various boxes. I thought you would enjoy seeing a few. As you probably know, I love photographs ---- and these really make me smile.

Have a great July 4!

Mom/"Cous Sue" two days before my birthday!

My crazy but wonderful parents, before children.

My brother rocking out at the piano.

Katie and I in Marmor and Cliff's garden. My mother added the cute label.

The family at one of Cliff's BBQs, probably 1982.

Two pictures of a younger "Cous Sue." My wish for my mom is that her life will look like this again. She enjoys her work, but I think she would prefer retirement ASAP.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Artists in Residence

Tommy & Sean set up an 'art gallery' (spread out on the dining table) to show off their portfolios-- here are pics of two of my faves, T's "Attack of the Eagles R" (R refers to the rating), and S's painting/collage w/felt and yarn.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Little Victories

The KCRW iPhone App hits #3 on iTunes!

Letting Go

I have become obsessed with selling off my excess. Today's errands include the Post Office: mail air conditioner to amazon buyer 345662. No need for an AC in Venice, thank you, coastal winds. Mail 10-pound Shakespeare College Textbook to amazon buyer 582614. 10 lbs and 10 years of lugging that thing around 5 homes, 4 cities and 3000 miles in pure protest to the obscenely low return the college offered for an obscenely expensive book.

It feels good letting go.

My latest project is preparing to sell off Nancy and Peter's home room-by-room in Beverly Hills. Walking through the house, each picture flashed fragments of conversations over the emotional extremes of the short 2 years. I remember sitting around the firepit with Nancy and Peter when I moved here, awe-inspired looking out over the canyon, talking about how excited we all were to be together in Los Angeles. I remember sitting at that same table with Angela and Nancy months later where words were hard to come by as we thought about life without Peter. and now...all that's left is thinking about how to photoshop everything clean and make it easier to move on.

It's hard letting go.

Tomorrow's Errands include finding less functional ways of using my camera.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A death march, a dog hotel, and a mini-horse.

About a month ago Gati (guth-ee), Mr. Finn, and I went upstate to escape the city for a few days. We stayed at the #1 dog-friendly bed and breakfast. Normally, I find bed and breakfasts annoying because of the idle chatter over breakfast. But with fellow dog-owners we had a lot to chat about. We all went for a quick hike which quickly turned into a four hour "where the hell are we" hike. And lastly, we met a mini-horse named Sparkles. All-in-all a great weekend. -Andrew